Legal Framework

Kenya Maritime Authority is a statutory authority established under the Kenya Maritime Act 2006, (KMA Act). KMA’s Mandate is to Regulate, coordinate and oversee Maritime affairs in the Republic of Kenya. Other principal functions include:

  • Administer and enforce the provisions of the Merchant Shipping Act, 2009, Regulations, International Maritime Conventions, Treaties, Agreements and any other Instruments relating to the Maritime Sector for the time being in force;
  • Advise government on legislative and other measures necessary for the implementation of relevant international conventions, treaties, and agreements to which Kenya is a party;
  • Undertake and co-ordinate research, investigation, and surveys in the maritime field discharge flag State and port State responsibilities in an efficient and effective manner having regard to international maritime conventions, treaties, agreements and other instruments to which Kenya is a party;
  • Develop, co-ordinate and manage a national oil spill contingency plan for both coastal and inland waters and shall in the discharge of this responsibility be designated as the “competent oil spill authority;
  • Maintain and administer a ship register;
  • Deal with matters pertaining to maritime search and rescue and coordinate the activities of the Kenya Ports Authority, the Kenya Navy and any other body engaged during search and rescue operations;
  • Enforce safety of shipping, including compliance with construction regulations, maintenance of safety standards and safety navigation rules;
  • Oversee matters pertaining to the training, recruitment and welfare of seafarers;
  • Plan, monitor and evaluate training programmes to ensure conformity with standards laid down in international maritime conventions;
  • Conduct investigations into maritime casualties including wreck;
  • KMA ACT 2012